2. How to search on Vibuma

Vibuma contains all information about building materials in Vietnam’s market. All you have to do is enter what you wish to search into the search bar on the top of Vibuma.com home page, either it’s the suppliers’ name or the type of material you are looking for.

We have 4 tools to help you with searching what you are looking for.

  1. Building Materials

In Building Materials menu, you can find your materials by clicking at each category which has been categorized in the most logistic way. Each category is indicated with one meaning picture to help you faster in researching for the needed information.

  1. Home Applications

In Home Applications, Vibuma has classified into 5 groups of space functions: Living + Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom, Swimming Pool/Jacuzzi, Garden. You can access to each function depends on the space functions you are working on.

  1. Specialty Applications

In Specialty Application, we have divided into 8 categories corresponding with the project types you are working on. For example, if you are working on a Hospitality project, just simply click to Hospitality, Vibuma will guide you to a list of materials you might possibly need.

  1. CSI Divisions

Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) – This was established to set standards for construction materials in the USA and Canada. In CSI Division, you can search for material information by going through a list of materials type which are categorized in separating categories and numbered properly according to its regulations. This classification allows architects and experts to easily look for their building material information (work like a directory). Every country in the world has their own standard of building information; in Vietnam, we use the CSI.

If you have more questions about how Users can use Vibuma, please visit our Help Center 

Users can contact the suppliers to ask for further information via Vibuma website by clicking Request Information button, or you can directly contact them via the emails they’ve provided on Vibuma.