Pervious concrete is a honeycombed concrete that enhances pavement porosity as a unique and effective method used by professionals to solve environmental problems and to support sustainable growth, called porous concrete, water-permeable concrete.
Pervious concrete (source: Internet)
Although not a new technology, pervious concrete is still important because it is effective in treating rainwater. While conventional concrete has an impermeable structure, the pervious concrete is made of stone particles of the same size cemented by cement, with little or no sand, so they have continuously open pore structure. This allows water to flow through the surface and be filtered into the ground. The parking area, if used with the pervious concrete, will reduce the need for a drainage system because the sidewalk acts as a water retention area. The pervious concrete can be applied to tennis courts, parking lot, pavement tile, garden pavement.
Pervious concrete (source: Internet)
Pervious concrete with outstanding advantages such as minimizing rainwater pollution, protecting underground water sources is a new direction for environmentally friendly concrete technology. This new technology concrete is being developed by countries around the world, especially in countries where water pollution and environmental pollution have serious consequences.
Pervious concrete (source: Internet)
Advantages of pervious concrete:
- The permeability of the waterproof concrete provides much higher safety for the driver than the current road surface. When used instead of waterproof asphalt as a sidewalk of the parking area, the pervious concrete significantly improves driving safety in wet weather conditions. The rain penetrates more concrete than the overflow on the surface. This reduces glare for the driver during the day and night, safer driving and minimizes traffic accidents. Its clearance allows drainage more quickly after the rain has a clear difference between the infiltration of concrete and asphalt, surface permeability does not change after the impact of weather.
Pervious concrete (source: Internet)
- Sturdy: the pervious concrete is a very durable material. Properly designed and built parking areas will last 20-40 years with little or no maintenance, as compared to conventional concrete, with over 50% cracks in the surface.
Pervious concrete (source: Internet)
- The pervious concrete has a lot of holes, so the absorption of sunlight is less than conventional concrete, which reduces the heat emission in urban areas.
Pervious concrete (source: Internet)
Currently, in many countries like the United States, Mexico, the pervious concrete is widely used and gradually replaces conventional concrete and asphaltic concrete. In Japan, the pervious concrete is also used for grass planting, as a slope on the river, and along the river banks of large cities such as Tokyo and Kobe.