BloomFrame: Window or Balcony?
Nowadays with the development of technology, design elements are more and more created to make not only a convenient way for use, but also combine with a modern view. One of these products is from Bloomframe: a combination between window and balcony.
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This modern window system can be fold-open to an innovative and well-designed balcony, with one simple click on a button. Through the use of high performance materials and an innovative electrical system. Its appearance feels like a modern window, but in the meantime you can use it as a functional good looking balcony.
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This modern balcony can give for each room an unique outdoor experience and makes the space of balconies more efficient.
The First model is installed in apartment building in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (link video:
The product is designed by HofmanDujardin, manufactured by Hurks geveltechniek and have received already in the beginning stage of their concept in 2008, a Red Dot Design Award, in the category product design.
The name of Bloomframe come from flowers, which bloom in springs and closed in winter. Which make an outdoor space become indoor space and vice versa, that offer users a flexible and comfortable living environment.
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In recent year, there are more buildings using Bloomframe as a solution for optimization for balcony areas as well as interesting design elements for façade designs.