
JESSE_Bedroom Furniture
ABi.Design Ltd
Contact: Angelo Borioli
The way we work, attentive to detail, elegance and modernity, forms the basis of our growth. We chose to be global and international also in the distribution, that’s why we are present with numerous showrooms worldwide and with flagship stores especially in the US.

AMURA_Living Room Furniture
ABi.Design Ltd
Contact: Angelo Borioli
Wandering through the streets one can still sense the scent of bread, genuine and fragrant, blended with the noises of the artisans’ workshops, carrying forward the highest value of the Made in Italy craftsmanship.
Within this atmosphere Amura is born, the made in Italy furniture brand that carries within the fragile and authentic beauty of this southern land.A painstaking artisanal care, the careful selection of the materials and, at the same time, the refined and innovative design, create collections of sofas, accessories, bookshelves and beds, of outstanding quality and comfort.
Amura is a young brand, but rich in culture and passion, and eager to bring into your home these gorgeous southern atmospheres.
The factory, in the heart of Altamura, becomes not just the location of production, but also a workshop of research and experimentation on shapes, design, trends and materials, with a penchant for innovation that never betrays the solid foundations of the ancient masters.
The human value has high consideration in Amura.A Company that strongly believes in cooperation and in the natural expression of each person’s talents, who then give their very best, in each day and in each creation, for you.

DRIADE_Living Room Furniture
ABi.Design Ltd
Contact: Angelo Borioli
The vast Driade catalogue includes home, garden and public spaces furniture. Pieces of art and objects for daily use, souls that blend each other harmoniously. All this makes Driade unique in design world. The aesthetic lab is the result of the desire to introduce experimentation into mass-produced products. The search for creativity in each product constitutes the mission of the enterprise itself. Driade creates products that are unique, eclectic, eccentric but at the same time elegant, timeless and, above all, joyful. Within this alchemy of means of expression and sensations, everyone finds a Driade that it looks like him. The art of living is based on the idea that eclecticism, blend of cultures, curiosity and surprise are the true essence of our age. A bent for listening, a state of alert, an attention to register the signs coming from outside and then translate them into daily products. Being permeable to differences makes Driade project one that is open to the future. Driade denies the flatness of globalization but grasps at the freshness coming from the multiplication of places and the development of ideas.
Driade is born in 1968 thanks to the joint efforts of a founding group formed by Enrico Astori, the art director who from the beginning defines the product and communication policies; Antonia Astori, a designer who is also the author of the company’s architectural image; Adelaide Acerbi in charge of the brand’s image and communication. Since the beginning Driade asserts itself for the quality of its creative offer and for an industrial policy heavily geared towards innovation, a synergy of three core designer elements: project planning, execution and advertising. Producing design furniture as individual art objects following the rules of collecting. This is how Driade develops as a factory of art.

SINETICA_Office Furniture
ABi.Design Ltd
Contact: Angelo Borioli

GOLDEN NIGHT_Mattress + Pillows + Linen + Towels
ABi.Design Ltd
Contact: Angelo Borioli
Our brand is synonymous with reliability and is supported by five key strategic issues: Health, Safety, Environment, Quality and Comfort ...

MAGIS_Living Room Furniture
ABi.Design Ltd
Contact: Angelo Borioli
We are constantly searching for novel ideas, new design languages and innovative production methods. Consequently, our product portfolio is wide-ranging, from the pure to the expressive. Some might say Magis is eclectic. We say yes, we are. Because uncompromising design requires freedom.
Each of our design projects has to meet the highest standards. A Magis product needs to be handsome and functional, and it needs to embody a strong idea. Anything else would be easy and ordinary: not the Magis way at all.
As a family owned business, we believe in the strength of family values. We help each other and we grow together, striving to build long-lasting and beneficial relationships with our employees, customers and partners.
To strengthen our community, we produce in Italy. That is our contribution to help preserve the exceptional craftsmanship our region has been known for down the centuries. In return, each Magis product is created to the highest possible quality, reflecting the remarkable skills and knowledge of our partners.
In order to fulfil our visions, we always search for exceptional design talents. Many of them have become internationally famous along the way. Designers like Jasper Morrison, Konstantin Grcic, Philippe Starck, Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec and Jerszy Seymour have been with us for a long time. Today we consider them more than partners. They are part of the Magis family.

MY HOME_Living Room Furniture
ABi.Design Ltd
Contact: Angelo Borioli
A new philosophy, which focuses on the senses as a starting point for an emotional reawakening. A private world, every aspect of which can be imagined and designed. Unique details, sartorial elements, impressive materials.My home collection embodies a unique lifestyle, featuring materials, forms and colours that together create a timeless yet contemporary elegance which, most importantly, is 100% made in italy.
We believe that our products must tell a story: our story. A story of craftsmanship, savoir faire, a love for detail and ongoing research into solutions which can adapt to technological developments in the field of manufacturing. We never stop seeking perfection as we strive to fully satisfy our customers’ expectations.
My Home Collection is a company with 100% Made in Italy certification and is included on the National Register of Italian Manufacturers. The 100% Made in Italy label certifies that the product has been made entirely in Italy; the semi-finished products are all made in Italy, and only Italian raw materials and components are used, all of the highest, first-class quality.The workmanship faithfully reflects the Italian tradition.

VERY WOOD_Living Room Furniture
ABi.Design Ltd
Contact: Angelo Borioli
The Company marries functional design with a passion for wood, artisan craftsmanship, attention to detail and the quality of natural materials.
This is truly a collection of classic designs “Made in Italy”, revisited and re-interpreted for today’s environments, that meet all international standards for Hospitality and Contract furniture.
Every designer is a world, a planet, an island; this archipelago of projects is called Very Wood: a dictionary of forms and colors that express hospitality and sociality with a comporary and original touch.

TALENTI_Exterior Furniture
ABi.Design Ltd
Contact: Angelo Borioli

COLOMBO_Door Hardware
ABi.Design Ltd
Contact: Angelo Borioli
The Colombo Design bathroom accessories collection is the ideal enrichment to decorate the bathrooms of all styles. The elegance of these bathroom accessories is accompanied by excellent technical skills, that only the best materials and the most innovative processes can ensure.The Colombo Design bathroom accessories are available both hanging and free standing.

MOHEBBAN_Broadloom Carpet
ABi.Design Ltd
Contact: Angelo Borioli
The contrast between a thousand-year technique and contemporary designs and patterns gives every Mohebban rug unique esthetics and deep symbolic meaning. The intrinsic value of each rug is never distanced from the story behind its production. The journey begins with the selection and training of the very best artisan rug-makers and continues with the use of superior quality of the materials (wool, silk or plant fibers), the yarns, the dyeing and the hand-knotted rug weaving to reach the final phases of cutting, trimming, washing and drying: each rug produced in this way is unique, with a personality and history that is different to all others.
With often more than 200,000 knots in every square-meter of weave, an obsessive attention to the quality and constant dialogue between tradition, innovation and contemporary design, Mohebban rugs harmoniously knot the threads of the past with those of the present and the future, in perfect balance loaded with intrinsic value.

3B-210_Crystallized Waterproofing
Better Sun
Contact: sales
■ Tường chắn, mặt trong và ngoài tường hầm, hầm thang máy
■ Chống thấm bể nước, hố nước, hố ga, bồn trồng cây
■ Nhà tắm, nhà bếp, ban công và bồn hoa.
■ Bể chứa nước ngầm, kênh, đập nước.
Ưu điểm ■ Chịu được thời tiết, có thể sử dụng ngoài trời
■ Cho hơi nước thoát qua bề mặt, chống tích tụ áp suất hơi nước.
■ Chống thấm hiệu quả trong các điều kiện thủy tĩnh.
■ Rất tốt cho việc chống thấm thuận và chống thấm nghịch
■ Không độc hại, có thể sử dụng cho bề mặt có tiếp xúc với nước uống
Tỷ lệ pha trộn 3B-210:Xi măng:Nước = 1:2.5:0.2
Định mức sử dụng 1.8 - 2 kg / m2 / 2 lớp
Độ dày sau khi khô Màng dày 0.5mm
Thông tin kỹ thuật
Màu sắc Màu trắng, dạng lỏng
Thời gian khô 4 – 6 giờ, tùy thuộc vào điều kiện môi trường
Cường độ bám dính 1.57 Mpa
Chiều sâu thấm nước 50mm
Độc hại Không độc hại, thân thiện với mô trường
Bảo quản Hạn sử dụng 2 năm nếu được bảo quản đúng trong bao bì kín chưa mở và
tránh ánh nắng mặt trời
Đóng gói 5kg / 18kg

3B-450_Bituminous Waterproofing
Better Sun
Contact: sales
■ Tường chắn, mặt ngoài tường hầm, hầm thang máy
■ Mái kim loại lộ thiên, máng dẫn nước thủy lợi
■ Nhà tắm, nhà bếp, ban công và bồn hoa.
■ Bể chứa nước
■ Trám khe mối nối và trám ốc vít cho nhiều loại mái (gạch, Amiăng, tôn kẽm)
Ưu điểm ■ Chịu được thời tiết
■ Dễ sử dụng và thi công
■ Chống xâm thực, ăn mòn
■ Bám dính rất tốt lên tường gạch, bê tông và các bề mặt xi măng khác.
■ Tạo lớp màng chống thấm đàn hồi lâu bền, không mối nối
■ Linh hoạt, màng thoát khí tốt, chịu phong hóa
■ Không độc hại, thân thiện với môi trường

FRANCESCO MOLON_Kitchen Appliances
ABi.Design Ltd
Contact: Angelo Borioli
The family company is based in Romano d’Ezzelino (not far from Venice) where over a hundred artisans create the excellence of the high quality precious and refined products.
As true works of art, Francesco Molon Italian design furniture production constantly focuses on the care for the details and the creation of particular nuances , which set our luxury interior design items apart from the ordinary.
Luxury, style and mastery are core values of this Made-in-Italy brand philosophy which remains committed to the timeless fine design and functionality that empowers furniture to be passed down through generations.
Surround yourself with the elegance and the refinement of Italian luxury furniture, and create a comfortable environment entrusting yourself to the quality guaranteed by Francesco Molon. Our passion and competences are at your service and our skillful production is meant to set your world apart from anything else.

PLH_Plugs And Switches
ABi.Design Ltd
Contact: Angelo Borioli
The use of solid materials, ergonomics, design and primitive shapes, craftsmanship, knowledge and research of materials and collaboration are the key aspects of PLH on which wired and wireless devices have been developed over time through 6 different collections as well as a big part of custom production that still represents the core business of the Company.
MakeUp is the first product marketed by epic srl developed by the Centro Stile and the Epic Technical Office in collaboration with Alessandro Gaja Design, the Corelli Technical Design Studio for the electrical design and with the Technical Office of some certified Electric Installation Companies for the assembly and assembly systems.
After the first one, five more wired collections , have been added, some of them internationally awarded: Skin, Slim, Neo, Keyboard e 24k, products that differ in shape, material and usability, always following the notions of research and development of the materials and their treatments. For this reason, the strength of solid collaboration is a key feature of the brand: several cross-sector companies guarantee the best quality and continuous innovation in the production and manufacture of materials such as wood, metal and glass.
Along with the evolution of technology as well as the internal development of wired products, new wireless products have come to light. The PLH Aria system consists of control devices and connection interfaces with registered design and ‘patent pending’ technology.

ABi.Design Ltd
Contact: Angelo Borioli
Faithful to its decision to reinstate the special role of metal in design and experimentation, De Castelli infuses artisan ideas and workmanship into industrial processes, leading to entirely original results. The encounter with design inspires an approach to materials founded upon respect for their potential, be it hidden or obvious, which emerges slowly in a collection of pieces that, despite being part of a series, remain unique.Unique not only for the hand that has created them, but also for the singular cultural path that focuses on the aesthetic (and not just practical) value of the primordial material with which De Castelli shapes living spaces.
The metal becomes furniture, surface, design.
Each object, even in the repetition of form, is a creative act in and of itself, one that incorporates a heritage of constantly- evolving expertise and research. The equation that relegates ‘cold’ metals to the margins of furnishing projects is thus overturned, bringing iron, brass and copper, in their infinite variations and finishes, to the centre of an entirely renewed stage, allowing them to finally shine with their own light.
DeCastelli is:
Collection: a collection of luxury furniture in metal and wood
Surfaces: metal to decorate every surface with elegance and personality
Architectural: be spoke customized solutions for every project

DELABIE_Bathroom Accessories
Contact: Mr. Chiêu

DEXTRA_Reinforcement Steel
Contact: Ms. Kate Vương Nữ

LOTUS GREENTECH_Drain Pipes And Fittings
Contact: Ms. Kate Vương Nữ

Contact: Mr. TrInh

COZY LIVING_Kitchen Furniture
Contact: Nguyễn Thị Bích Trâm

COZY LIVING_Bedroom Furniture
Contact: Nguyễn Thị Bích Trâm

COZY LIVING_Living Room Furniture
Contact: Nguyễn Thị Bích Trâm

FIORE - WEBERT_Taps & Faucet
Contact: mr. ezio s.
Made in Italy with Passion
these values have been guiding us since 1975. They’ve made Webert a company that in bathroom taps and fittings and furniture is a synonym of quality, innovation and style.
More than 50 years of experience that made Fiore Rubinetterie a well-known and respected name, synonymous of project and quality.

COOL HANGER / MÓC TREO QUẦN ÁO_Kitchen Furniture / Hardware
Contact: Ms. Van

Contact: Ms. Van

Contact: Ms. Van

Contact: Ms. Van

Contact: Ms. Van

FUKUVI / SKIRTING / LEN CHÂN TƯỜNG_Kitchen Furniture / Hardware
Contact: Ms. Van
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