Drain Pipes And Fittings
Here you can find drain pipes system which is a collection tube that collects water under the water drain for domestic and industrial use.

GF_Drain Pipes And Fittings
Contact: Mr. Nguyen Luong
GF PP Silenta 3A

ĐỆ NHẤT_Drain Pipes And Fittings
Contact: Admin
After nearly 18 years of formation and development of the First Plastics Company is one of the businesses provides uPVC pipes and spare parts & HDPE strong in Vietnam. With ISO 9001 management system, the UPVC & HDPE products of the company are manufactured under Vietnam standards - ISO, BS ASTM-. AS from domestic raw materials purchased by the Company: Plastic & Chemical Co., Ltd. TPC ViNa; Joint Venture Company in Phu My Plastics & Chemicals, Company Atofina Vietnam, lines of modern machinery and technical workers of skilled and highly qualified staff.

TIỀN PHONG_Drain Pipes And Fittings
Contact: Mr. Minh

LOTUS GREENTECH_Drain Pipes And Fittings
Contact: Ms. Kate Vương Nữ

Hauraton_Drain Pipes And Fittings
Pentacom VN
Contact: Tô Thuận

BLUCHER_Drain Pipes And Fittings
Contact: Mr. Thao
– Available in acid-resistant AISI 316L or regular AISI 304 stainless steel.
– All accessories like gratings, filter baskets and water traps are also part of the standard program.
– The BLÜCHER® Channel product program is produced largely from 2 mm stainless steel providing the highest levels of stability and durability. Discharge of liquids at temperatures up to 120 °C will not influence the material.